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울진·삼척 무장 공비 침투 사건 영어로


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  • Uljin–Samcheok Landings
  • 무장    무장 [-醬] thin[watery] soysauce.무장
  • 공비    공비 [工費] the cost of construction;
  • 침투    침투 [浸透] permeation; infiltration;
  • 사건    사건 [事件]1 [주목을 끌 만한 일] (큰)
  • 강릉지역 무장공비 침투사건    1996 Gangneung submarine infiltration incident
  • 속초 잠수정 침투 사건    1998 Sokcho submarine incident
  • 여수 반잠수정 침투 사건    1998 Yeosu submersible incident
  • 공비    공비 [工費] the cost of construction; construction expenses. 학교의 새교사의 ~는 모두 2억원이었다 The total cost of the construction of the new school building was 200 million won.공비 [公費] public expenditure; public ex
  • 울진군 울진군    Uljin County
  • 삼척시 삼척시    Samcheok
  • 울진군    uljin
  • 삼척시    samcheok
  • 삼척역    Samcheok station
  • 무장    무장 [-醬] thin[watery] soysauce.무장 [武將] a military commander; a general; a warlord.무장 [武裝] arms; (국가의) armament; (병사의) equipment. 비~ 지대 a demilitarized zone(略 DMZ). 완전 ~ full kit. ~ 시위 행렬 armed demon
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